The Best Unschooling Books (That Aren’t Actually About Unschooling) – Self Help

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Books, Resource Article, Uncategorized

Before I became a Realtor, I was a librarian.  I come from a long line of bibliophiles — my maternal grandfather was a collector and had a book for you no matter what your interests might be, and his daughter, my mom, who lives in an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit=800 SF house) in my backyard is always reading something. 

I recently gave a talk at the Life is Good Unschooling Conference called “The Best Unschooling Books (That Aren’t Actually About Unschooling)”.  All of the books in my talk are relevant for homeschoolers as well.

I broke this talk into 10 categories.  The first group is books that fall in the realm of self help.  We all know parenting can be one of the hardest (and most rewarding!) jobs ever, and sometimes you need a little boost. These books can help lift you up you when you are having a tough day, make you laugh, and also inspire you to be your best.  They are:

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

The Untethered Soul Michael Singer Self Help The Best Unschooling Books That Aren't About Unschooling Homeschooling Portland Homeschooling Resources Carolyn Groves

This is a great book for how to silence your inner critic — that voice inside our head that constantly questions us and tells us we are wrong/stupid/not worthy.  Also helpful in letting go of the myth of CONTROL, which can be helpful in all of your relationships, not just those with your child(ren). FYI, this book mentions God, but I did not find it preachy.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements Don Ruiz Self Help The Best Unschooling Books That Aren't About Unschooling Homeschooling Portland Homeschooling Resources Carolyn Groves

This book helps you learn how to do the following:

  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don’t take anything personally
  3. Don’t make assumptions
  4. Always do your best

Four Word Self Help by Patti Digh

ThFour Word Self Help Patti Digh Self Help The Best Unschooling Books That Aren't About Unschooling Homeschooling Portland Homeschooling Resources Carolyn Groves

I got to meet Patti when she spoke at one of the Life is Good conferences several years ago.  She has helped many people wake their creativity with her book, Creative is a Verb.  This title is a little more light-hearted, a great “bathroom” or coffee table book.  Patti shares ideas like: Be happy in advance. Sit in the sunshine.  Let kids dress themselves. Get lost more often. Give up itchy clothes.

I hope these books spark ideas for you and help move you forward you in your homeschooling journey!

Carolyn Groves